2 produkter

Samling: Åsne Margrete Reiten

Åsne Margrete Reiten studied at the Academy of Art in Bergen (VKA). She has
consistently exhibited her work since her first solo exhibition at Telemark Kunstsenter,
Norway in 2001.
Born in Skien, Åsne Margrete grew up in the countryside of Ulefoss. Here, she
developed a passion for painting at a young age, often finding solace in art during her
frequent absences from school due to childhood asthma and eczema. Starting with
watercolours, she captured the beauty inside her home and out in the picturesque
landscapes surrounding Holla farm and the remnants of the ancient Holla church.
Early in her artistic journey, she was drawn to motifs such as the contrasting yellows
of cultivated lands against the blues of the mountains and sky.
«What I am searching in my work is moments of deep connection, moments
that resonate with something inside of me, on the canvas. I am looking for
harmony and reason for living behind the dynamic of good and bad, happiness
and sorrow, love and death. I search for a calmer world, a paradise, places to
live and breathe and just be»
Her travels to France, Egypt and Crete proved pivotal, providing abundant inspiration.
Several projects emerged from the experiences and insights gained during these

As of October 2023, Åsne Margrete is residing in Jylland, Denmark and by the coast
Helgeroa in Norway for an extended period, seeking fresh inspiration and creating
new artwork.
Her work during this stay is inspired by the words of the American poet, Robert Frost:
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
«Jeg har en dyp fasinasjon for hvordan alt henger sammen, fra celler og «systemer»,
nervetråder og organer inni kroppen til det som finnes i naturen; inni skogen, i havet
og langs strender i særdeleshet. Jeg opplever alt som forbundet, eller i alle fall er det
en tilstand jeg søker, en non-dualisme. Til tider også en magisk realisme. Friheten
det ligger i å skape verden i sitt bilde, er noe jeg verdsetter. Å kunne tillate alle
sammensetninger, i farger, flater og former, fra det mest utflytende og abstrakte til
ønskede symboler og motiver».